7 ways to fight cold and flu this winter
If you struggle with cold and flu during winter, try these proven remedies and lifestyle changes to get you quickly back on track and feeling better.
1. A must remedy in your home dispensary is zinc, studies have shown that 50 mg of zinc twice a day can shorten and reduces the development of common cold and flu, if taken within first 24 hours of onset of your symptoms.
2. You may consider keeping Manuka Honey handy as this highly has been traditionally used for generations for exhibiting strong antibacterial properties. Manuka honey adds sweetness and powerful protection against the common cold.
3. Another home remedy that is useful to keep at home is Olive Leaf. This extract has antiviral properties and works well especially when combined with nutrient such as Zinc.
4. Herbs of Gold has a wonderful throat soothing remedy that will help to eliminate chesty cough and soothe a saw throat
5. In addition, you can strengthen your immune system through real whole foods; such as Coconut kefir (or dairy kefir). This old fashioned Eastern European drink is rich in probiotic bacteria that strengthens your immune system functions significantly.
6. And for those, who like to relax with a cup of tea, Planet Organic has a rejuvenating Immune tea blend of herbs such as Elderflower, Echinacea and Olive Leaf.
7. The final tip to overcome the cold and flu this winter season is to get plenty of rest. Extra 2 hours of sleep a night will ensure your beat the cold and flu successfully.